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After consolidating in the week before this one, the markets resumed their upmove and have ended the present week on a strong note. The markets...


Top 5 Stocks in “Go” Trends Trend Continuation on Rising Momentum GoNoGo Charts® highlight low-risk opportunities for trend participation with intuitive icons directly in...


If you hail deficit spending, you are embracing impoverishment. If you defend this kind of deficit spending, you are actively supporting stagnation.


Academic elites claim that there is no objective truth, only social constructs. Thus, people can create their own reality in many areas, and everyone...


Do we have a market situation primed for everyone to head for the exits? What would ignite such a problem?


Even as the Federal Reserve continues to manipulate interest rates to “fight” the results of the business cycle, Austrian economics teaches that business cycles...




As if the government has not done enough destruction in the housing market, there now is a scheme to have the government nationalize second...


Murray Rothbard noted that the culture wars are not the result of conservative intransigence but rather of progressive elites’ insistence on forcing new cultural...


The socialist elites that dominate our institutions insist that private property is nothing more than a social construct held together by violence. As usual,...


Commercial real estate in the USA is facing a major crisis which could not have been possible without the enabling of the Fed and...



In this edition of StockCharts TV‘s The Final Bar, join Dave and Grayson as they run through top 10 charts to watch in July 2024! They’ll...


In this StockCharts TV video, Mary Ellen recaps last week’s market activity and the factors influencing market movements. She highlights two names, PANW and ADSK,...


Join Tyler Wood, CMT, in this insightful tutorial where he demonstrates how to effectively scan for GoNoGo conditions using GoNoGo Charts, a powerful...


The stock market’s theme this week seems to be indecision. This could continue until Chairman Powell speaks and the June payrolls number comes out...



Labour politicians are calling on Tata Steel to refrain from making irreversible decisions before next week’s general election. The Indian company recently announced it...


Three is likely to miss its rural broadband coverage targets as the deadline to address mobile signal “not spots” looms. Mobile network operators have...


Despite England’s lacklustre start to Euro 2024, the tournament has proven lucrative for the team’s former captain, Gary Lineker. Analysis from media specialists have...


Today marks a significant milestone in the careers of four emerging designers as they debut their collections at the prestigious JCA London Fashion Academy’s...


What does the state do when in a financial fix? Unlike the rest of us, it legally counterfeits. By so doing, it transfers wealth...


The abolition of chattel slavery was a great advancement for human liberty. But many of those celebrating Juneteenth today still accept the core assumptions...


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